On February 25, 2022, AT&T submitted use-permit applications for four small Wireless Telecommunication Facilities (sWTF) to be mounted on light poles in Novato, California. The locations are public right-of-ways near these addresses:
7123 Redwood Blvd.
1553 S. Novato Blvd.
10 Pico Vista
625 Arthur
On March 11, the Novato Planning Division returned those applications to AT&T because they were “incomplete.” AT&T has 60 days to re-submit the applications. To view or download all 4 applications and all 4 incompletion letters, click on this link. Even though these applications are incomplete, they should be (but are not) accessible from the Novato website, as they are a matter of public interest: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/d0m1a9vro9u266u/AACtV4V76MeFSrZlH8HE1kAra?dl=0

Here is a narrative view of the checklist that AT&T had to fill out for these applications: https://wirenovato.org/laws/novato/wtf-checklist/

After two months, possibly due to the pressure this community exerted, the city finally posted this data online, under Small Cell Wireless Permit Applications: https://www.novato.org/government/community-development/planning-division/planning-projects